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Annie Jr. Program Advertising -
Due Friday, May 1

There is space available to advertise in the Annie Jr. Play Program. Send a personal message to your favorite actor(s) or advertise your business!

Orders are due Friday, May 1.

Write your actor a a special note up to 20 words for $10.

Advertising your Businss? Business ads are $100 (full page),
$50 (1/2 page), $25 (1/4page) and $15 (business card).

If you want to place an ad please complete the information below and email to Betsy Meras at bykjmeras@aol.com.

Actor Name: ______________ Cast (A, B, or adult): ___________

Ad type: (20 words,Bizcard, page,etc.): ______________

Amount due: ____________ (make check out to Katie D'Arcey & place check in Wei, 3rd grade folder at Mulberry)

Message to your actor (20 words or less):

If you cannot email your ad please send Betsy Meras an email and
leave the paper copy of the ad in the WEI folder at Mulberry (3rd grade)

Questions? Email Betsy at bykjmeras@aol.com

Did we mention that orders are due Friday, May 1?